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I will do deep SEO keyword research and competitor analysis

  • Delivery Time
    3 Days
  • English level

Service Description

— Advance SEO Keyword Research & Competitor Analysis —

I am a specialist in keyword-research to provide strategic analysis to identify valuable organic traffic opportunities for your business and website.

Keyword research tells you how your customers are finding you, how they’re finding your competitors, and how they could be finding your website more often.

included in Key-word Research:

Longtail & Phrase Match High Volume Niche Relevant KW
KW Volume, Difficulty, CPC & Traffic Potential
Buyer Intent KW’s
Top Competitors KW’s Report
Competitor Top Pages against your Target kw
Blog Topics Ideas

Using KW-Research Tools:

Google Keywords Planner

Recommendations: Utilizing comprehensive Keyw analysis and competitor research, I offer tailored recommendations for your content or advertising campaigns. From primary keywrds to long-tail variations and strategic key-word combinations, I provide precise guidance to optimize your digital presence effectively.

Expect top-notch service from us! We’re all about the details and making sure you’re happy. Have any questions? Just ask! We’re here for you!